While certification in the skills of LSCI is a lifetime accreditation, many participants over the years have told us how valuable it is for them to formally review, discuss, and practice LSCI skills on a regular basis. The LSCI 402 course offers professionals the opportunity to do just that!
The one-day, live LSCI Refresher Training provides a review of the fundamental skills of LSCI, including:
1. The differences in psychological worlds between helping adults and kids in stress
2. The impact of chronic stress and trauma in the lives of young people
3. The brain’s role in driving repetitive and predictable patterns of self-defeating behavior
4. The LSCI Conflict Cycle™
LSCI 402 is an interactive training that draws heavily upon professionals’ real-life experiences using LSCI to discuss, offer feedback, and teach advanced strategies for carrying out the six stages of LSCI. Participants will:
1. Engage in extensive role play of intervention skills
2. Thoroughly de-brief these experiences with the Senior Trainer and their colleagues.
The LSCI Refresher Training is also available as an online course. Click here to learn more.